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2 min read
How Does The Lord Speak To You?
How does God speak to people? How did He speak to the prophets in the Bible? How does God speak to you? Depending on how well you know...
3 min read
Choices & Consequences
Over the years, how have your choices become more mature and wise? Have your choices improved? I’m still amazed how sinful we (me) really...
2 min read
How Much Should You Pray For Something?
How many prayers does it take to move God to answer your prayer(s)? Is it one? Is it a thousand? Would one more prayer get the job done?...
2 min read
Your Light - How Bright Is It?
How would you describe the vibrant light that you project to others from your heart and soul? You can detect the people that love other...
2 min read
The Devil - Is He Real?
What is your opinion of the Devil? I heard once, “If there is a real God, there is a real Devil.” Do you know the history of Satan? For...
2 min read
Where Do Your Strategies Come From?
Where do your plans and strategies for success come from? For the most part, everyone wants to be successful. So how? I’ve always said...
2 min read
How Tired Are You?
How rested-up are you? How much down-time do you have built in your schedule? How tired and worn are you? Ive had to stay home because I...
3 min read
Are You Spiritually Dead?
How would you describe Spiritually Dead? AI describes it as “An idea that humans are inherently separated from God due to sin. This...
3 min read
There Is A Time
When will you plan a vacation? What time have you planned to visit friends or your family? What time do you plan to go to work and take...
2 min read
One Day A Leader Will Emerge
What type of leader would you like to see in our country? Would you desire Democrat? A Republican? Maybe an Independent? One day in our...
3 min read
Where Does Your Help Come From?
What type of help do you need right now? If you don’t need help now, give it some time, soon the need will arise. If you do need help...
2 min read
Where Is Your Heart?
What are the deep feelings in your heart? Where do those feelings lean - in what direction? Do those feeling lean toward your appearance?...
3 min read
What Does It Mean To Be Free?
How would you define Freedom? Some say it’s the opposite of slavery - true. Others might think it’s being free from stress, anxiety and...
2 min read
How Does Christ Affect Your Life Now?
How can being a follower of Jesus Christ affect your life today - before you die? Most people who know the story of Jesus Christ are...
2 min read
Troubles In Your Life
What kind of stresses and troubles are you having in your life? It’s interesting, there are all levels of troubles. Some are devastated...
2 min read
Unsolicited Advice
How often do you provide unsolicited advice? I had a good friend that told me last night that “typically unsolicited advice will probably...
3 min read
What Is Your “Thorn In The Flesh?”
How familiar are you with the Apostle Paul’s “thorn in his flesh? Something disturbed his life and for some reason, God did not remove...
3 min read
How Do You See God?
What is your visual of God? Is he love? Is he judge? Does he look human? Is he the punisher? Is he the one who protects and provides? Is...
4 min read
How Generous Are You?
In what ways are you generous? How generous are you? Are you contributing to others? It’s the basic level of love as Christ said “Love...
3 min read
What Is Your View Of Your Sin?
How would you describe sin? What is it? What sins are in your life? What is your view of your own sin? Webster defines sin as “an offense...
2 min read
Gossip & It’s Affect
How often do you find yourself talking about others? I’ve even seen forms of gossips camouflaged as prayer requests. Gossip is a form of...
2 min read
What Is Truly Valuable In Life?
What is the most valuable thing in your life? You might say your children, your health, maybe your career because it pays for everything....
2 min read
Aging & Maturity
How have you matured as you have aged? Some grow and improve. Others keep making the same mistakes. Is this true for you? The Apostle...
2 min read
Who Or What Is Your God?
What do you “really” worship? Most worship their god. So who or what is your god? One thing is for sure, we worship what we love and what...
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