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Church Overhead & Membership

What is your real feeling of church overhead and church membership? It’s expensive to do church.

The building, parking lot, maintenance, staff, benefits, equipment, lights and the list goes on. I’m not anti-church facilities, however is there another way?

Back in the day, people paid a sin offering and the prophet Hosea said “Since the priests live off the sin offerings of the people, they want the people to sin more and more.” (Hosea‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭NCV‬‬) Church has always made money, sin offerings were obviously wrong.

Churches love members because members donate more than non-members. It’s just true.

Acts 29, (, which I support says 5 factors that “elude” to church membership; There is a church body, Shepherding the flock, Disciplining sin, Excommunicating the false believer, Submission to leaders (elders). These are biblical principles.

Yet there is not a command to church membership.

Yes, in a community of believers the 5 factors could live within biblical standards for a body of believers who are shepherded by a leader, while being held accountable and even being asked to leave if not living and loving God and other people - as they submit to the leaders.

It’s all biblical - but is it church membership? Is it a building with infrastructure and huge costs?

I don’t bring this up to cause others to stumble - honestly I don’t. Otherwise I wouldn’t support it. However, I bring it up out of being held to proper stewardship of the money God blesses us with.

Church is a huge business and a lot of money flows through its system. Yes, we financially support it, but is it the best way?

Is the money and overhead worth human souls? I say absolutely yes because we all are going to leave the money behind one day. Money is not that important and it’s designed to spend. God owns it all.

However, if that money could feed the hungry, dig fresh water wells and house the homeless - it seems those are big needs too.

Another big need is to train the leaders and preachers to teach mature principles from God’s word. That’s foundational.

The Apostle James said “Religion that God accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help, and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence.” (James‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬ ‭NCV‬)

Frances Chan who lead a mega church (60,000) converted to home churches like other countries. Other countries do church free and meet where they can. We all have beautiful, comfortable homes to meet in.

It’s complicated and it’s our culture - but is it the best way?

We should stop and question common things occasionally. The way you are doing life now, is it the best way. We should question these things.

Just because we’ve always done it that way does not mean it’s the best way.

LORD, please give us discernment in how we use our money. IJNIP amen ♥️



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