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God’s Word On Homosexuality: Truth and Grace

How do you feel about someone being gay? Is it right or wrong to have sex with the same gender?

It’s a controversial topic, but God’s Word is clear. Christ died for all sin—including this one.

In Leviticus 18, God lays out the boundaries of sexual morality, explicitly covering sins involving relatives, animals, and same-sex relations. For example:

“You must never have sexual relations with your close relatives.” (Leviticus 18:6 NCV)

“You must not have sexual relations with a man as you would a woman. That is a hateful sin.” (Leviticus 18:22 NCV)

“You must not have sexual relations with an animal … it is not natural.” (Leviticus 18:23 NCV)

There’s no ambiguity—it’s written plainly. Even the Apostle Paul warned against turning away from God’s truth:

“They traded the truth of God for a lie. They worshiped and served what had been created instead of the God who created them.” (Romans 1:25 NCV)

He went on to say:

“Because people did those things, God left them and let them do the shameful things they wanted to do. Women stopped having natural sex and started having sex with other women. In the same way, men stopped having natural sex and began wanting each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and in their bodies they received the punishment for those wrongs.” (Romans 1:26-27 NCV)

The truth is, we all have desires that God did not intend. Some struggle with adultery, and others with same-sex attraction. All types of sinful desires exist, but that does not justify acting on them.

As James explains:

“People are tempted when their own evil desire leads them away and traps them. This desire leads to sin, and then the sin grows and brings death.” (James 1:14-15 NCV)

Sin brings death. It kills relationships, destroys happiness, and separates us from God. And when we separate from God, we diminish—until, ultimately, without salvation, we are not destined for heaven.

However, there is hope. Jesus said:

“People can be forgiven for every sin and everything they say against God. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.” (Matthew 12:31 NCV)

This means the only unforgivable sin is rejecting the Holy Spirit’s call to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Every other sin—including sexual sin—can be forgiven.

We all sin. That’s why it’s not our place to judge. Only God is the judge. Our role is to love, forgive, and support each other in our struggles.

LORD, help us love one another—regardless of our sin.

IJNIP, Amen. ❤️


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