What are you addicted to?
Recently, I tried to be-friend to a drug addict. A great guy, sweet wife and children and genuinely nice. Without details, he stole $7700 from us.
We may or may not get the money back. “Time” brings “all” things to light. Sooner or later, time reveals our true colors.
This guy previously told me he emptied his bank account for cocaine, claimed an awaking to quit, yet stole our money to buy more. Wow, what’s it like to live like that?
We all are addicted to something. First we are all sinners and selfish.
Sin bubbles to the top in all sorts of ways. Pride, thinking we are better than them. Selfishness, co-dependency, lack of generosity - love - and forgiveness, laziness, greed, over-eating, worshipping our stuff or our appearance and of course drugs, alcohol and porn.
The list of sin and addiction really goes on and on. So what’s the take-away?
God told the prophet Micah: “The Lord has told you, human, what is good; he has told you what he wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God.” (Micah 6:8 NCV)
Wow, that’s pretty basic stuff, but works every time.
All of us sin, so we should judge no one. We should love and forgive as God loves and forgives us. Yes, we need healthy boundaries, yet we can love closely or at a distance - and forgive.
The truth is, God loves us so much as we live in our mess, that He provided His Son to give his life to save ours.
All we have to do is belive it, accept it, and live like we trust and belive in Him as our Lord and Savior.
On a silly movie we saw last night, there was a profound truth quoted.
They said “Every day we have an opportunity. To make a decision to do right or do wrong.”
Which will we choose?
LORD, please give us the heart to choose you. Please help us choose to live to honor you, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Please convict us of our sin, judgment, lack of love and lack of forgiveness. IJNIP amen ♥️