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Unjustly Accused - Unwavering Love - Is This You and Me?

Have you ever been accused of something you didn’t do? How did it feel to be misunderstood, mistreated, or even abandoned? How did you respond?

Now, pause for a moment and think about what Christ endured—what He willingly went through so that we could be forgiven.

It’s beyond amazing. It’s incomprehensible. No one else would do such a thing.

Imagine this:

He owned nothing. Born in a filthy barn, He had no home, no wealth, no wife or children. He slept outside. He borrowed a room for His last supper and was even buried in a borrowed tomb. His entire life had one purpose—to pay for your sin and mine.

Jesus was falsely accused, abandoned by His followers when He needed them most, and betrayed by a friend.

As He agonized over His upcoming crucifixion, His closest disciples couldn’t even stay awake to pray with Him.

He was put on trial—a complete hoax. And as He stood beside Barabbas, a true criminal, Pilate asked the crowd, “Who should I set free?” The people chose Barabbas.

“Then he set Barabbas free. But Jesus was beaten with whips and handed over to the soldiers to be crucified.” (Matthew 27:26 NCV)

His suffering was unimaginable:

"Many people were shocked when they saw him. His appearance was so damaged he did not look like a man; his form was so changed they could barely tell he was human." (Isaiah 52:14 NCV)

Why did He endure all of this? Because of love.

"God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life." (John 3:16 NCV)

And how did Jesus respond to this betrayal, hatred, and brutality?

As He hung on the cross, suffering, bleeding, and literally dying, He didn’t seek revenge. Instead, He prayed:

"Father, forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34 NCV)

Jesus lived the perfect life we never could and don’t even desire. He took our place, bore our punishment, and gave us the gift of forgiveness. Someone had to pay for our sin, and He chose to do it for us.

Who does that? Only Jesus.

LORD, when we are mistreated, help us respond with love and strength. Help us trust in the free gift of salvation, love You deeply, and invite the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Teach us to live in love—for You and for others. Please help us.

IJNIP Amen. ❤️



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